A made from scratch outfit by YoerkSun, featuring a unique outfit design based on Egyptian culture. The outfit comes with CBBE SE, TBD SE, and BHUNP bodyslides support.
UNP or CBBE body textures
BodySlide & Outfit Studio (Optional)
Heels Sound SE (Optional)
NiOverride Pose Adjustments + Objects SE (Optional)
-- - How To Get ---
The outfit and weapon can be obtained via crafting at any forge [Elven smiting perk required] or by using AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer Ancient Sands BodySuit Ancient Sands Bottom Ancient Sands Bracelet Ancient Sands Ear Ancient Sands Earring Ancient Sands Gloves Ancient Sands Hat Ancient Sands Leg Bracelet Ancient Sands Mask Ancient Sands Neck Ancient Sands Necklace Ancient Sands Panty Ancient Sands Shoes Ancient Sands Tail Ancient Sands Top Ancient Sands Top 2 Ancient Sands Top 3 The Hat, Ears, Earrings, and Mask can be moved via NIOPA's in-game menu Hat: PA Hat Ears: PA Hat Earrings: PA Earrings Mask: PA Glasses