-- - Description ---
A made from scratch outfit by COCO, featuring the outfit wore by Asuka Koukawa in the Mahou Kaiju Series. The outfit comes with CBBE SE, TBD SE, and BHUNP bodyslides support with COCO's new 3BBB body included. The hair also have HDT-SMP cloth physics.
--- Requirement ---
UNP or CBBE body textures
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE
BodySlide & Outfit Studio (Optional)
Heels Sound SE (Optional)
-- - How To Get ---
The outfit can be obtained via crafting at any forge (Elven Smithing Perk Required) or by using AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer [COCO] Asuka Arm [COCO] Asuka Body 01 [COCO] Asuka Body 02 [COCO] Asuka BodyS 01 [COCO] Asuka BodyS 02 [COCO] Asuka Glove 01 [COCO] Asuka Glove 02 [COCO] Asuka Glove 03 [COCO] Asuka Hair [COCO] Asuka Hair (SMP) [COCO] Asuka Legs [COCO] Asuka Shoes 01 [COCO] Asuka Shoes 02